Tuesday 4 March 2008

Question of taste

A sports journalist a few miles up the A23 found himself in hot water the other week after a slightly off-colour intro to a Millwall report, which compared watching the Lions to living in Bridgend.

We've all been there - write a tasteless joke in haste, repent at leisure.

It's a fine line between creating an attention-grabbing headline and causing mass offence to your entire readership, and this week is a case in point.

One of our titles has a story about a woman who has been taken to court after refusing to pay for a bikini wax. It's one of those stories you just can't put a sensible headline on if you tried.

We've already rejected a couple of good efforts - 'Caught by the Fuzz' and 'Rip Off' - and have now settled on the hopefully not-too-crude 'Smooth Criminal.'

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